Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Occupy Your Heart

Get A Life
Rumi the Persian poet says this;  “In times of sudden danger, most people call out, ‘O, my God.’  Why would they keep doing this if it didn’t help?  Only a fool keeps going back where nothing happens.  The whole world lives within a safe guarding.  Fish inside waves, birds up in the sky, the elephant, the wolf, the lion as he hunts, the dragon, the ant, the waiting snake, even the ground, the air the water, every spark flowing up from the fire, all subsist, exist, are held in the divine.  Nothing, no one is ever alone, not even for a single moment.  All giving comes from the divine.  No matter who you think you put your open hand out towards, it is the divine which gives to you.” 

So here’s an invitation to a practice you can use when things aren’t going quite the way you wish.  In whatever you face, you are to say to yourself alone, “get a life!” if you want your life experience to change.  What kind of life?  You are limited only by what you can imagine, focus upon and believe.  So imagine, focus and believe and allow the divine to fill your hand in ways even greater than you dreamed.  You don’t have to create all of it; just open the door and be willing to be filled.
Still think you would like to change someone else?  Change the environment to one that supports their highest good; the environment you are offering them with your thoughts, your words and your personal energy.  You don’t need to say a word and certainly should avoid criticism or even suggestions about what you would like to see them do.  Not a word!  Appreciate what is, and appreciate the best they can possibly be as though it already is a fact whether you ever get to see it or not.
This is using your personal power of seeing/visioning the very best to pour the energy of positive change into the world.  That’s a gift you can give every day, but remember you are not on earth to change other people.  You are here on the planet to create a life!  A fabulous life.


  1. oh love this one! thank you Bonnie. I'm thinking how I had been living life before accepting and practicing these principles, like strolling around bumping into walls! So grateful to each day for bringing broader awareness!

  2. Now you are on the cutting edge of spiritual awakening Tina.
