Monday, February 27, 2012

Occupy Your Heart

Vibrational Glue
A few years ago I read P.H.D. biologist Bruce Lipton’s book, The Biology of Belief.  My heart soared to learn a traditional scientist was confirming what New Thought has been teaching since the 1890’s; our bodies can be changed as we re-train our thinking.  Now he as a new book, co-authored with Steve Bhaerman, Spontaneous Evolution.  Here is a most hopeful paragraph.

“At the current time, many people find themselves transfixed by disturbing symptoms that seem to mark civilization’s devolution.  However, this myopic focus distracts us from seeing the Light in the darkness.  Whether you call this Light love or knowledge, its flame grows brighter every day.  The Light reveals a birthing process as the old way of life falls away and a new one emerges.”  The book goes on with stories demonstrating how life is in a constant state of perpetual re-creation.

Charles Fillmore the mystic, in The Twelve Powers of Man, called the spiritual power of Love the glue that binds the universe together.  Spontaneous Evolution, a book based on science and education, calls love the vibrational glue that will help manifest our destiny.  I believe one of the things humanity is experiencing in this time of great shift is the unification and balancing of the masculine and feminine principles; the unification and balancing of the powers of mind and heart.

Each of us bears responsibility for this shift.  The more we can come to understand and release past programming, become aware of current reality and open ourselves to future possibilities, the more we will help move humanity through the shift.  It is the individual awakening of a critical mass of humans that is required.  One simple practice can facilitate our awakening by building a bridge between our mind and our heart.

Every time you find yourself thinking about something, pause and check what is going on in your heart.  Every time you find yourself feeling strongly about something, pause and examine your thoughts.  This can be done a hundred times a day in less than a minute’s total time without anyone even noticing you are doing it.  The simple act of noticing will quickly train you to use both mind and heart in every choice you make.  This is the marriage no man can put asunder.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Occupy Your Heart

Get A Life
Rumi the Persian poet says this;  “In times of sudden danger, most people call out, ‘O, my God.’  Why would they keep doing this if it didn’t help?  Only a fool keeps going back where nothing happens.  The whole world lives within a safe guarding.  Fish inside waves, birds up in the sky, the elephant, the wolf, the lion as he hunts, the dragon, the ant, the waiting snake, even the ground, the air the water, every spark flowing up from the fire, all subsist, exist, are held in the divine.  Nothing, no one is ever alone, not even for a single moment.  All giving comes from the divine.  No matter who you think you put your open hand out towards, it is the divine which gives to you.” 

So here’s an invitation to a practice you can use when things aren’t going quite the way you wish.  In whatever you face, you are to say to yourself alone, “get a life!” if you want your life experience to change.  What kind of life?  You are limited only by what you can imagine, focus upon and believe.  So imagine, focus and believe and allow the divine to fill your hand in ways even greater than you dreamed.  You don’t have to create all of it; just open the door and be willing to be filled.
Still think you would like to change someone else?  Change the environment to one that supports their highest good; the environment you are offering them with your thoughts, your words and your personal energy.  You don’t need to say a word and certainly should avoid criticism or even suggestions about what you would like to see them do.  Not a word!  Appreciate what is, and appreciate the best they can possibly be as though it already is a fact whether you ever get to see it or not.
This is using your personal power of seeing/visioning the very best to pour the energy of positive change into the world.  That’s a gift you can give every day, but remember you are not on earth to change other people.  You are here on the planet to create a life!  A fabulous life.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Occupy Your Heart

Love’s Energy
Do you know that people can feel you?  It may not be conscious but they will respond to the feeling.  The energy we send out will repel or attract and those around us will behave accordingly.  Our job is to offer the energy of love.  That’s it.  That’s how we each transform our own little corner of the world and co-create a world that works for all.  Where do we start?  With our relationships

Dr Michael Beckwith once said,  “All the love your heart can hold, all the success you are meant to experience is already within you, begging to be released through your love energy. Today, open the floodgates of your heart and pour out a blessing of Love into your own life. Then see how outrageously rich you are in the gifts of the Spirit.”  There are a couple of things worth noting here.  First, you already are all that you need; love, success, joy.  All of it.  Second, open your heart and pour out all that energy and you are outrageously blessed.

The first relationship we have is the eternal one between our Spirit and our Creator.  That is why we already are all that we need.  Our next relationship is between our Spirit and our human self.  Our human self must come to realize the truth of our nature and once it does, the pouring out of love can begin.  This comes gradually, over time and with practice, but it is there for every one of us.  The more in touch we are with our own love nature, the better all our relationships will be. 

I heard this story of a man overcome with joy during a great Sunday service and he began dancing up and down the aisles shouting, “Lord, fill me.  Fill me Lord, fill me now.  And he hears a voice say, “I am filling you, but you keep leaking.”  That’s exactly what happens, it’s an energy leak in us.  When we have a relationship rift with someone, the energy of love is leaking out of us.  There’s a place in us where darkness is, where love cannot live and we bring light into that darkness by healing the relationships within ourselves then with others.

I think that’s the kind of thing Jesus was saying.  Our whole life is on the line.  “I came that you might have life and have it abundantly,” and when the energy of separation begins to build in me, he’s saying, “make this primary.”  Make it primary in your life that you don’t allow this stuff in you.  Reschedule your day if you have to.  If you recognize a breach in love, climb all over it right now.  It’s primary to heal that because if you don’t, it leaves another measure of darkness in both of you.  “Oh there’s a relationship hurt, I feel something, I feel separation, what am I going to do?”  Allow your Spirit to shine through your humanity and radiate the love that you are.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Occupy Your Heart

The Power of Love

   February is love month, and I’m living proof that is true because Christopher and I met on Feb. 10th, 1998.  The love we share has grown every day since then.  So, what does love do?  Take the loved one out for Sunday brunch, and have a nice nap in the afternoon?  I don't think so.  Today, love discovers its power.  Today love recognizes that it alone calls this world and all reality into existence by its very longing for itself.  Love's longing for itself; isn't that a soul stirring thought?  All the love that's in you, longs for love.  All the love anywhere is seeking more of its own kind.  Our longing is our call to life.  The longing in our hearts is God, by whatever name we understand, calling us to our true joy, our right relationships, and our passion for life.

   There are some things I deeply believe.  There is only one presence and one power in the universe and each one of us arises out of and lives through that power.  This is the very foundation of our oneness with each other.  We each carry the creative power of the Divine and as such we are each responsible for what we contribute to life and how we experience life.

   Some would argue, “I didn’t ask for THAT to happen to me!”  No, you probably didn’t.  Karun Gandhi, the grandson of MK Gandhi didn’t ask to be beaten twice in one week, once by a white person who hated him for his dark skin, then again by a gang of black boys who hated him for his light skin.  He was only twelve.   After 18 months with his grandfather he came to understand that hatred arises from fear and responding with hatred only increases the fear.  He made a choice in his spirit for peace and says now that nothing could ever steal his peace again.  He takes responsibility for what he contributes to life and for how he experiences it.

   The same is required of each of us.  We must take full responsibility for our lives and come to peace through the power of our spirits before we can feel the longing and the passion that arises from the love that we are.  As we connect with the power of love, we attract the love in others.  As we become firmly grounded in our true joy, our right relationships and our passion for life, we discover the power love has to change reality, and we become a creative force for a world of beauty and unity.

   We are not alone in this journey.  More and more of our sisters and brothers are recognizing that finding our unity and caring for each other is the next great evolutionary leap we must make.  Go to You and key this phrase into their search bar at the top. 

Then imagine how much more love you have the power to bring into your immediate world.

   May you be blessed with true joy, right relationships and passion for life.