When we cleanse an area of consciousness through prayer, fasting and speaking words of power, a void remains which needs to be filled. The void created as we release old habits and beliefs that no longer serve us also creates a void in the energy patterns we use to connect to our world. This can leave us feeling lost and isolated. Some would call it a dark night of the soul. We all enter that dark night from time to time; it is a natural result of the cleaning we have done. But there is no need to wallow in it. The way out can be quick and easy.
Become a witness to all the good news you know. In every one of the world’s religions we find some reference to witnessing; some reference to sharing the good news, not just keeping it for ourselves. When we have a spiritual experience, we’re wired up to share it with others, to be an example of what is possible. This practice is called testifying, or evangelism. What we’re going to explore today is being a different kind of witness. Often, witnessing has the purpose of converting others to MY religion. I tell someone my experience in order to get them to change to my path. This approach is entirely different.
When you share the good news or when I share it, in my jeans and sweatshirt at a garden shop, at a movie, on an airplane…if any of us shares the good news in the context of our daily life, you and I are creating new connections. We’re sharing the good news for a whole different reason. This kind of witnessing is not about getting anyone else to become or do anything. It’s not a result oriented witnessing. This is about sharing our experience, our good news, for its own sake.
Remember the void in energy patterns which comes from clearing our consciousness, leaving us feeling lost and isolated? This kind of witnessing creates new energy patterns which connect us to a higher level of being, shifting the relationships we have and bringing new people and opportunities into our lives. The only things we change are what we think and how we speak about it. The rest of the world will take care of itself.
How many tales of woe and fear cross your awareness every day? Perhaps you and I can bear tales of possibility and encouragement. It only takes a small number of people to tip the balance away from negativity and toward peace and joy. Will you be one of them?