Thursday, November 10, 2011

Signs of the Time One

After observing the “signs of the times” for years with great dismay, finally hope is blossoming.  It began with my friend and astrologer telling me she searched for planetary aspects which might indicate what to expect for 2012, and there weren’t any.  Astrologically, 2012 is unusually peaceful in terms of aspects; it’s all happening now.  This is the year of great upheaval, some of which will bleed over to early 2012, but by the time we get to the dates which were noted in the Mayan calendar, we will be living in a new reality.

New realities can sound frightening to some, particularly those most resistant to change.  Perhaps it will ease some anxiety to look at how far we have come, say in the last thousand years.  In the generation living in 1012, CE, you lived and died where you were born, if you were lucky.  If you weren’t lucky, you were conscripted into some army and died violently very soon after.  No one expected to better themselves or rise above the life of a serf and become wealthy.  Today anyone with enough drive and vision can go anywhere.

The reality we are approaching will be as different from today as today is different from the way people lived a thousand years ago.  Einstein said the most important decision we all have to make is whether or not we live in a friendly universe.  I am convinced we live in a friendly universe, one that conspires for our good.  For me that indicates that the new reality will bring a better life for all the children of the earth.

I will be posting the “signs of the times” that I see in future blogs.  Please subscribe and add your own observations.


  1. I am going to have to agree with you. I am also sort of a "student" of the times. I have always watched what is happening. I also feel VERY STRONGLY that the calm that will be next year will bring new productive hope into a world with a little more acceptance and peace. I feel it is an important beginning.

    Well written too!

  2. this is from Eric Butterworth in a book published in 1998!: As we enter the new millennium, humankind is on the verge of a great breakthrough- a spiritual renaissance. The day of intellectualism is over, and the dawn of transcendence, intuition, of the wisdom that comes from the heart is upon us. Another chapter includes: H.G. Wells so prophetic in so many fields, in his novel Men Like Gods visioned a time when schools and teachers would no longer be necessary, except to show us how to get in touch with the infinite knowledge that indwells us in the Mind of Minds. Startling as this seams, it might well be the subject of serious discussion among educators in the third millennium.
    Futurist Micheal Murphy outlines twelve sets of human attributes that will characterize the new epochal transition for humanity: (1) extraordinary perceptions in the form of psi; (2) extraordinary somatic awareness and self-regulation; (3) extraordinary communication abilities such as telepathy and ecstatic states; (4) super-abundant vitality beyond ordinary body processes' (5) extraordinary movement abilities (6) extraordinary capacities to alter the environment, such as through psychokinesis; (7) self-existent delight; (8) supreme intellectual capacities characteristic of genius; (9) volition exceeding ordinary will, producing extraordinary actions; (10) transcendent personhood; (11) transcendent love; (12) alterations in bodily structures, states, and processes that support the experiences just noted.
    "Now is the time to claim our powers. The institutions that looked after us in the past- government, social, educational, health-are all strained beyond their capacities. Every day we read about cutbacks and the inability to sustain services. We can no longer depend on institutions to solve our problems. The betterment of society, and thus the collective human spiritual condition, is depending increasingly in each and every individual. We must awaken to our powers without delay. That is why faith has become like a fire. It fuels our passion, galvanizes us to make change." quoted from new thought for a new millennium, purchased at unity in the foothills bookstore for a buck
    pg6 "all speculations about the future are really investigations into our present
    I think education is key. thank you Bonnie for your Blog, you are an amazing educator!
