In the spiritual communities which have aligned themselves with a philosophy called “New Thought” one of the primary tenets is that we are energy beings; spirit wearing a space suit we call a body. Mind you, New Thought is only new to the western mind. It is a compilation of principles taught and proven in countless societies, since before recorded history.
So far in this world physical power has dominated, or so we thought. Let’s take a look at the evolution of thought and how it relates to human physical evolution. If we look at humanity’s history, with all its beauty and horror, courage and cruelty, we can see significant shifts along the way. How many hundreds of generations passed when we didn’t even have language? Then over time we shifted from rule of the strongest male, rule of magic and superstition, rule of city states and kingdoms, rule of law, and so on. Each shift in our community interactions was an evolutionary shift and each one began with an idea. A new thought.
Here is the key concept. None of those shifts could have happened unless enough people accepted and believed the new thought. Whatever the thought, it had to be accepted and energized by Spirits in bodies before it could show up in the physical world as what appeared to be physical power and physical reality.
The evolution of though has carried us from grunting survival to where we are today. Along the way there has been much beauty and horror, courage and cruelty. Heroism and greed. There still is. Here is the good news. In spite of our faults, in spite of our seeming detours into destructive errors, we have come a long way. Kindness is growing. More people have food and hope. More people show up to offer food and hope to others than ever before.
To paraphrase Einstein, we need to decide whether the universe we live in is friendly or unfriendly. Each of us must make that decision and as we do, each of us will be a force to bring into physical reality that which we hold as true in our hearts and minds. Ultimately, this is a friendly universe and our fearful or greedy thoughts can do no more than create temporary detours in an evolutionary process which is an upward spiral toward more and more good. Choose your thoughts carefully. They carry the power of your spirit and join with others of like kind.