Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Time Travel

Boundaries of Space and Time
So, here’s something to consider.  What if time as we understand it isn’t real?  What if it’s just a game we made up?   What if the boundaries of time had no power over us?  What might happen if we taught ourselves to think outside of time?  Maybe we could create new realities with looser boundaries.  How would you arrange your thinking if there were no time fences constraining you?  Beyond that, what might you believe is possible if neither time nor space could not contain your mind?

Some years ago two university students, a computer scientist and a budding physicist devised an experiment.  Both of them were familiar with studies focused on psychic abilities and other paranormal activities but realized none of those studies were conclusive.  There were already a number of accepted scientific devices in common use that could measure brain activity and the resonance of energies in the bodies.  Then one day a prominent scientist proposed that the brain itself did not have enough cells to manage even the physical needs of the body, let alone go beyond that into the realms of thought and creativity.  There must be an  intelligence in the very cells of the body itself running most of the “works.”

The two students created a software program which proved this was true.  The cells contained not only a basic intelligence, but also awareness and the ability to communicate; in other words, cells possessed consciousness.  Their excitement carried them to the next step, which was to try to determine how far each individual human consciousness reached into the universe.

They discovered that the concentration of measurable consciousness dispersed as distances increased, but they were unable to find an outer limit; a boundary where it stopped.  I wonder how much farther they would have gone if it had occurred to them they were measuring the wrong thing.  How real is time?  We certainly assign it a great amount of reality.  What is space, really?  The sky looks mostly empty, but we are awash in the midst of it.  What might you believe is possible if neither time nor space could not contain your mind?

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