Friday, September 7, 2012


Who am I?
   I am not trained in the science and discipline of astrology but I've learned a lot from a good friend who is very well trained and very good at it.  So here's a tidbit from astrology that I learned from her. Everyone's birth chart is divided into 12 areas of life expression called houses. The 10th house indicates our career, what we're supposed to be when we grow up. The sixth house details the work we do, which may or may not be how we achieve our career, and may or may not be how we earn a living. Income can come from several places, such as the eighth house of shared resources.  Florence Nightingale is a classic example. Her 10th house pointed to compassion and healing as her career, her sixth house pointed to physical labor as her work, and her eighth house accurately pointed to family wealth. She achieved her ultimate career by doing the physical work leading to the founding of the nursing profession, which was made financially possible because she inherited a lot of money.
   The principle at work here is "remember who you are," and learning about your natal astrological chart can help you do that.  Become intimately familiar with the callings of your heart, the values you will not compromise, and the understanding that those things are gifts meant to be expressed.  You will find these things detailed and supported in your natal chart if you get yourself a good astrologer to read it for you.  If you don't remember who you are, how can you become all you're meant to be?
   We live as the presence of the divine by expressing our true nature. We could express it joyfully and effectively in a number of jobs. We will not enjoy any job or career not in alignment with our true nature. Our true nature is this; we are spiritual beings, ideas in the mind of what we have named God, created in that same image and likeness.  This divine idea is the Christ, or Brahman, or Buddha, all names for the part of us that is divine. Our inner Christ nature is what is real about every human being and is the source from which all life takes shape. That divinity expresses uniquely through each one of us.
    If anyone ever tells you again that you were born in sin and need redemption, you simply look at them gently and say "that's not possible. I am made in God's image and there is no sin in God's image."  Those who can see that you know who you are will believe you.

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